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If you are an avid food shopper, you may have discovered that the selection of sweeteners in the baking aisle seems to have multiplied in leaps and bounds. These sweeteners tend to have exotic-sounding names, each claiming to be tastier, healthier, or much more environmentally-friendly than plain old table sugar. but are they really any better? Whether you choose natural, synthetic or conventional sweeteners is up to you, but this short article gives you the scoop on the most common types of “natural” sweeteners to help you decide. regardless of the type of sweetener you choose, be sure to keep in mind that published recommendations say to limit added sugars from all sources to no much more than 10%-15% of total calorie intake, which is 120 calories (7.5 tsp) of sugar for a 1,200-calorie diet.
Sugarcane SweetenersMaking what we know as table sugar from sugarcane can range from a relatively easy to a multistep process, and the final result varies depending on the particular steps in the process. The sweeteners noted below are made with fewer steps on the processing chain implying less environmental impact and much more of the vitamins and minerals.• Blackstrap molasses is the dark liquid byproduct from the third boiling of sugar cane syrup and is the most nutritious molasses, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. just 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses will sweetly offer you with 13.3% of the daily recommended value for iron, 11.8% of the daily recommended value for calcium, and 9.7% of the daily recommended value for potassium.• Evaporated cane juice can be used just like sugar for sweetening foods and beverages as well as in cooking. It may also be known by a variety of other names including dried cane juice, crystallized cane juice, milled cane sugar, and in Europe as “unrefined sugar”. Evaporated cane juice includes some trace nutrients (that regular sugar does not), including vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Evaporated cane juice is available in a variety of forms that vary in texture and flavor:o Milled Cane: small grained crystals.o Demerara: coarser grained, slightly sticky crystals.o Muscovado: very fine crystal sugar.
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Non-Sugarcane SweetenersHere is the scoop on some of the most common natural sweeteners that are not made from sugarcane.
• Agave nectar is produced from the juice of the core of the agave, a plant native to Mexico. It includes trace amounts of iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium, but has a higher calorie count than sugar (60 calories per tbsp vs 46 calories per tbsp, respectively). The fructose content of agave syrup is much higher than that of high fructose corn syrup, which is of issue because some research has linked high fructose intake to weight acquire (especially around the abdominal area), high triglycerides, heart disease and insulin resistance. despite this, it has a low glycemic index because of its low glucose content, which implies it won’t cause a spike in your blood sugar levels the way sugar does.
• brown rice syrup- When combined with sprouted rice or barley, cooked brown rice yields this sweet liquid that contains about 13 calories per teaspoon and is less sweet than sugar. The syrup breaks down relatively slowly, offering much more of a time-release energy flow than sugar does and includes some magnesium, manganese, and zinc.
• date Sugar- though it’s called “date sugar,” this sweetener is not a form of sugar. It’s actually an extract taken from dehydrated dates. It includes some essential minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and selenium.
• Honey, made by bees from the nectar of flowers, is a ready-made sweetener that contains traces of nutrients. Some research suggests that consumption of honey raises blood levels of protective antioxidant compounds in humans. However, when raw honey is extensively processed and heated, the benefits of certain phytonutrients are mostly eliminated. Please Note-Do not feed honey-containing products or use honey as a flavoring for infants under one year of age; honey may include Clostridium botulinum spores and toxins that can cause infant botulism, a life-threatening paralytic disease. Honey is safe for children older than 12 months and adults.
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• Javorový sirup pochází z mízy javorových stromů, která je filtrována a vařena na neuvěřitelně sladký sirup. Zahrnuje méně kalorií a vyšší koncentraci minerálů (jako je mangan a zinek) než med. „Sirupy s javorovou příchutí“ jsou napodobeniny skutečného javorového sirupu. Chcete -li snadno zjistit rozdíl, přečtěte si seznam ingrediencí na etiketě výživy. Skutečný javorový sirup neobsahuje nic jiného než „javorový sirup“. Imitační sirupy jsou vyrobeny hlavně z kukuřičného sirupu s vysokým obsahem fruktózy, cukru a/nebo syntetických sladidel.
Pamatujte, že i sladidla nabízená jako přirozená nebo výživná, jako u těch diskutovaných, obvykle do vaší stravy nepřidávají významný zdroj vitamínů nebo minerálů. Na sladkosti však není nic špatného, že k životu přispívá malý cukr nebo jiná přírodní sladidla, pokud se to provádí s mírou.
O tomto autorjoanna Dolgoff, M.D. je pediatr, odborník na dětskou obezitu a autor Red Light, Green Light, Eat Best (Rodale, 2009). Dolgoffův program pro hubnutí dítěte a dospívající () byl uveden na WABC News, WNBC News, Fox 5 Morning Show, My9 News a WPIX News. Natočila také kousky s The Today Show a Extra, je oficiálním bloggerem pro Huffington Post a je oficiálním lékařem pro Camp Shane, největší tábor hubnutí v zemi. Děti ze 45 různých států zhubnou s programem na hubnutí Dr. Dolgoffa () .dr. Dolgoff navštěvovala Princetonovu univerzitu a NYU School of Medicine a dokončila dětskou rezidenci v dětském zdravotnickém zařízení v Columbii Presbyterian v New Yorku. Je členem americké akademie pediatrie s certifikací a bývalým certifikovaným fitness instruktorem. Dr. Dolgoff sídlí v Roslynu, NY se svým manželem a dvěma dětmi ve věku 4 a 7 let.
Odkaz na tento příspěvek: Sweet Talk: Scoop na přírodních sladičkách
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